Tuesday, August 29, 2006

doom for the non IT-savvy

haha, in less than 9 hours, we are all sitting for CSA, the term 'holy shit' coined by annonymous can be said to be much uttered or thought of by many. they shouldn't call it CSA, i think 'UTC:MFD'(using the computer: made fucking difficult) would be a much better term as opposed to CSA, it's also a mouthful.
can honestly say i haven't really studied yet, considering the dangerous levels of complacency i have. it's terrible, don't do it, i think its terminal, that's why i don't bother (sometimes). Checked my mail at 4pm today after waking at 2pm to watch 'shaun of the dead' on HBO. (yes, pm).
Delightful! A for summative test and report writing. that's 55% 'A', yahooool. now it all settles on my participation marks, which the tutors will never reveal, for some reason. for some stupid official reasons, we aren't allowed to retrieve our previously-marked test papers. how can? now if i can get an A for comm skills, i'd sleep well for the rest of the holidays (only if i get decent Bs and As for the rest of my subjects =D) me want Uni study so bad, me willing to kill...............time.

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