Saturday, February 19, 2005

melvin laffin over the milkshake thing...& maybe cos i accidentally knock over the plate wow asking him to look into the camera while i steady it...CLUMSY ME Posted by Hello

sia la...y turn out like so gayish sia.....and dayish...lesson learnt...dun take fotos like this... Posted by Hello

coool....chem test!

yay...chem test is coming...i death! so chem test...miss wee set hard qns....some easy...i fear i cant even tackle der ez one sia...confirm die

at least i still hv my english and chinese 2 'console' me....both got B3...hahahahahaha.....still got maths...confirm fail one....die die die die.....xixiang...u dun wan 2 take o'levels rite?...i change wif u class la....i dun wanna take...den u wanna take...u r 1 weird person......sec3 life is so fkin easy....i could help the tchers until 8 pm and still be i help mdm leow until 10 pm+ go home aint easy in sec 4...if u r complaining in sec 3 abt hw miserable ur life is...sec 4 is my advice for u is...hang in there...(whether u like it or not)..hoo... harsh

went 2 watch constantine yesterday...wad a nice movie......i think its my movie of the year neh...haha...some part very funny..can point middle finger to Lucifer...constantine's life is fked...hahaha...the way the plot happens is so hw the spear of destiny part happens...if u hold it...u can't

for some reason....we didnt take the MRT or bus to go home..the movie ended at 11.50...early considered to watchin LOTR at 9.20....haha...we WALKED home on the tampines dun think we respected the environment tho...if u noe wad i mean...reli...we was late...and yah...WE SAW SO MANY FREGGIN BUSES...but still ...i exercised...haha..

i think i spent 2 much $$ i think by mass savings smaller la....alwaes small..haha....well gtg...lisnin to blink 182's "i miss you" now....cos...reli i do...ask me if u will...see my mood...if i happy i tell u....


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

valentines,total defence

wow...wad a weird valentine's day....i gave someone a something....and i didnt do it myself cos i was afraid dat all the formulae would be erased from my i got melvin & shafique to help me....thx u guyz...appreciate it...yisong was crazy(in love) man....he spent abt $80+ on valentine's gift to sze was like "i wanna be szeli, i wanna be sze li, so i can get lotsa stuff"....-_-"...

so he went for it lor....he gave her...with i think joey,fiona and i 4got liao...going "jia you,jia you!"...hahaz....i think she muz be amazed at his extravagance sia...i dunno...surely she's a little touched rite?...she as smiling all the way sia....haha...i think dat our class meng and song got chance...big chance..

den ltr we had IT enrichment...sian....not like we nvr learn b4 rite?...haha....waste some of my life la...den go home liao den remember the stupid class key i brought home....i was like WTF!...lucky obelix/hitler/mohtar/big momma nvr find me...if not jia lat...

2day was total defence day..the morning was so uniformed grp parade...haha...zac kena ask by NCK to talk cos on the stage he was i think toking to shiming.....had a stupid evacuation shit our rate i think ½ the school die liao....taufiq and ali were like "fire" tone...den ltr at the field...we all slack...dey all bz(tchers)..we all slack..ahaha....den i tell ali dat if the sch gt fire we all die..cos all the extinguishers used for nothing by the end the nvr replace...until 2day ali tell me dey replaced liao...haha...empty it again b4 i graduate...haha..

den ltr at canteen..we all eat 'b' grade in chwee kuey and porridge...actually not bad lah...not as bad as 2002...the porridge is like water..tasteless...dis yr i think cook wif chicken soup..den the 6th stall auntie sold fried rice secret lah..haha...den ltr mdm gill eye something wrong den go home...remedial went back at game onli..nvr even studi at all...


acting cool on MRT....lolz Posted by Hello

us and mr kek(ery)....haha...we are near the bakery .... Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 13, 2005


well...we juz went to mr kek's house recently(bakery)...lolz....we did get ang pows though....haha...$4....we oso had some snax gua chi(hokkien),peanuts, fried beehoon,erm..chicken breast?....i dunno...haha

we tok abt lotsa stuff life and more life and xiaoyong...vegeboy...he so poor thing...kena made fun by all of wad sia..still i dun care....haha

we den went to tampines mall to uh...slack? lah...c things and song bought a few key chains lar...the rubber rubber kind one...i bought a Linkin Park and a Bio-waste thingy i suddenly forgot the meaning...he bought the bio thinig and a limp bizkit one?...haha....we go play ghost squad at century later...shiok game i lvl 7 private 1st class...lolz...bought the card mah..muz show off a bit...haha

den ltr went to hav dinna at LJS....i luv the fries and slaw man.....argh....i 4got one thing...we nvr go watch Constantine cos many of us couldnt make it la....haha...end here ler...


Thursday, February 10, 2005

colourless Posted by Hello

CNY=Chinese News ,Yeah?

lol...ignore above....haha....wad ...hw long nvr blog ler...sorry 2 keep y'all waitin

anyways....CNY was great....i played the buah or issit puah?...i dunno la...its the cymbals for the lion dance thing lah....haha...dun feel like cai qing ler....c tat fatt the mood....haha...nvm lah...maybe cos i lazi...

anyway...the CNY performance was great...though taufiq slipped...but at least he didnt fall yah...he sae he was disturbed by some noise of which obviously i couldn't hear cos i was crashing the bloody metal all the way from the foyer....from the end of the performance hands ached cos i hit very hard..(butterfly yah?)...den i could onli hear a ringing,"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"....that sort of ringing...then at the end....i forgot 2 take home the shi ku (lion dance pants)...aiyah....nvm lah...

day one:collected alot....for exact value...pls msg on messenger haha.....but i can onli keep some...for i will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for some1...hehe...

today: basically nuthin..dunno y relatives 2day no come...haiz...thus reducing ang pow collection marnie...sianz....i was wanting 2 buy der travis barker(blink 182 drummer's) sticks..white..wif his signature....cos sumthin like $18..?...i 4got liao...more ex den usual stix...haha

tmr...going melvin hse for tong xiao mahjong if my mama permits...if not 11 pm go home...sianz...hope i win $$$....haha

sat:go pai lao kek's hse...if he's so rich...his ang pow muz be elephant! expecting all sorts of delicacies in his snack tray....all kinds of cakes...strawberry short,black forest,cheese,banana(hmm...familiar ah?...lindy??...=X lols...)..fruit cake,kueh lapis,kueh bangkit.....after visiting his hs....we go maybe plaza or tampines mall watch constantine...hehe...nice movie yah?....i think dats all...havent do my chinese and other crap dat needs 2 be done...


Thursday, February 03, 2005

haiz.....this is not der 2nd time

....i juz realized sum one is a bitch....reli haiz

time fer a long 1...

dis few daes help miss lim do her chinese new year video 1st i tot a bit bit onli sia....den suddenly post me interviews and stuff....dere was a shot wif sum scottish woman met a new boy called Jason thru dis thing ....hmmm looks like alvin...reli

haiz....dunno anithing bout lurv i suck at such crap....haiz...dunno anything ler...if u want lurv advice dun come 2 me....its like a blind man leading another blind man...piangz...

btw...thanx melvin for ur good advice....havin a bro like u is a blessing in my down and out life...and gd luck hor

had a freggin test 2day...i think i score low dis time...sianz....studied but put wrong things...sian AH....h t a...melvin i think u noe wad dat means...reli...sianz....sinking h t....piack...juz like dat..make me feel like shit 2day....haiz....

btw...i got a new hair image ler....thinner can cut better than barber sia....hehe...i learnt sumthin...learn to appreciate more significant things than BEING COLD AND IGNORANT AND DUMB...DUMB U DUMB SILLY *****...