Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Timetabling woes


My exam timetable is teh suxxors.
2 days, with 2 papers each.

I'm okay with MA and FA sticking on the same day. BUT, having SAPM and HRD, wah die.
I think I should start 1 week earlier than the previous semester, just looking at it makes me want to weep like a baby.

This I've just noticed, the HR modules this semester seem to be less content-heavy, meaning, less to study, more to score and elaborate. HA. That increases my efficiency by some 200%. By thunder I hope I increase my GPA a wee bit so it looks better. =S

Now to contemplate whether I should head home for a nap before my night paper(s).

Well, at least I still have 1 day to revise my BTT. (I take my test on a Sat morning).

Current Mood- Mindddddfuckkkk.
Current Music- The Rocketeer- F0xy Shazam


Saturday, July 12, 2008


I feel undermined.


Oh I'm sure you'll know.

I'm sure someone else feels that way too, unfortunate that he doesn't see it the way I do.

Bah. Fucknuts.

Current Mood- Hi, I work for free.

Current Music- None


Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Wah fuck. I cannot pass it off as a coincidence la. It's like submission week after week. Crazy shit. The only consolation I can think of and salvage is the fact that it DOES NOT fall day by day. This is how it sucks.

1.) SAPM- 11th July (ala this bloody friday)
2.) MA 1- 18th July (next friday)
3.) FA- 25th July (following friday. BONUS!> Now with presentation!)
4.) HRD/PCM- 6th August

Exams will follow 2 weeks after the last submission. Hooray for 5 papers (again). I really don't need this. I pray and dare to hope for a good exam schedule. Don't fuck me up please, timetabling committee of TP.

My BTT is one day after what could possibly be the day my last paper befalls on.
30th Aug- 9am. Fuck. I registered in early June. Ok, I'm going the school route instead. 6 months+. Lessen be the wait for a license.

Current Mood- Ha.I Funny.
Current Music- Red Caped Diver- Foxy Shazam