Monday, August 14, 2006

revision lectures 101

short post today, pardon if i do break this promise petty jackasses.

haha, thanks to zac for waking me up at 8 in the morn, i slept at 4 am btw, cos i've forgotten to print the accounts-test sample questions and as usual Hewlett Packard LaserJet 1100 didn't like its owner and printed nothing for like 20 times. It did print something later however, it looked like this:


yes, it means nothing. or in the printerion galaxy, it would have been pronounced as "eeep, brrzzpt, fuhkeen-abuser, beee-eeep, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

i think my printer has murderous intent.

today's lectures, summary of all, Mr Nah surprisingly does his slides overnight, its like he had screenshots of yesterday's community shield game between Chelsea and Liverpool TODAY. wow. he skipped 2 chapters in total, is that a clue? or shall i walk on the safety zone by studying for every single detail and come out of the exam hall regretful?i shall flip a coin, oh haha, tails, study everything. -_-"

went for lunch at Mensa, haha, a freaking sprinkle of parmesan cheese costs like 1 freaking dollar, what the hell? its the gentle sprinkling that makes it really exorbitant. i did this little calculation: I usually order Fish & Chips w/ $1 serving of carbonara, it includes a shake of the cheese sprinkler. If i follow the uncle's theory, does that mean my pasta comes free? and that my entire dollar goes into the cheese?

WELL, uncle, YOUR THEORY MAKES ABSOLUTE SENSE! I SEE IT NOW! Market Prices for a Kay Ghee of Parmesan is 20 over dollars! Veh Espensive.


Macroeconomics was boring as usual, but it'll be the last of that lecture, end of all agony. When sleeping, faiz's trigger word is 'home'...he awoke as soon as the lecturer said '.............go home'

Faiz: huh? i heard her say 'home'

wow, super sleep sense.

now, i've gotta fly to accounting, i need to apply the accounting methods of the pre-computer era! and consolidate all the stupid survey data so we can proceed into phase 3 of report writing, writing the report itself (urk.) my fortune teller lied, smooth week ahead my hairy foot (and it's not even hairy), i've got a major project to submit. meh.


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