Thursday, August 24, 2006

5 things to do while preparing for exams you don't really want to sit for

first things first, procrastination was rampant throughout the study week, despite its name, i barely sat down and did any of it. except, reading and understanding that all the OB topics are linked. then it struck me that woah, CSA, holy shit, lotsa stuff to memorize, that sucks. accounting, formats to remember, econs, remembering how to explain stuff...big load..too much waiting, regretful now. big whoop.

back to the topic:

1.) eat potato chips, try tangy flavours, like ruffles sour cream and cheddar, they're good, unless you're not a fan of fanciful flavours, go for pringles or lay's originals, they go well with coke.

2.)procrastination, things you might think of while doing it: "I'll do it later" , "after this game/show". "there's still time"

3.) watch football, EPL season is back, miss it and you feel guilty!

4.) do the studying itself ( i can't find any Pros to it,except YOUR FUTURE IS AT STAKE and SELF-SATISFACTION???)

5.) play games, if any, keep yourself out of this insanity. play with toys if you have to,anything to keep sane.

all those tips that i've just given are actual things i've gone through for the damn week,lotsa things coming up after the exams:

a.)work stint for 14~16 days at Asiacom, again.

b.) SYA chalet, which i would really be looking forward to, but then again it falls within the job stint period, i need my leisure time too man..

c.)class chalet, 1B11, need i say further? food,bbq,getting crazy,alcohol. ( i suppose nobody in our class smokes, the only smoke we'll breathe in is the one coming from the grill)

d.) my dear PSP, i can't wait for october, i seriously want my videos in handheld form and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, come this late october...mmm, GTA on a handheld as experienced on a PS2...(drool)

e.) the rest of the free time to hang out with my pals, few guys and a girl. ahahaha, movies movies movies movies movies.

i'd better stop, before i get a seizure from the excitement. ggggggggaaagggagaggagagagagagg


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