Thursday, February 28, 2008


soulja boy up in it ohhhh
watch me crank watch it ohhh
watch me crank dat soulja boy
den supa man dat ohhhhh

ok, these lyrics are retarded, but hey, they're catchy.
RHRA was a great way to end the papers and a great way start the holidays.
Drinking beer on an empty stomach with little sleep really messed my mind up, its not dizzy or anything, just makes you wanna explode (from the high circulation of blood).
PFP was alright as well, just that MER was a total bitch. What really took the cake was the stupid 21 mark question. Like i've already said in my LJ, i nearly had convulsions and seizures when i saw it. what really happened was not nearly that exaggerating, but it was close, i was stunned for a good 10 minutes. those good 10 minutes lost some how detrimental my hand's ability to write cos i rushed my writing so fast i answered 3 essays in 30 minutes. thank god i had my points written down on my question paper first, if not i'll struggle at thinking while writing.

come this holiday, which happens right now,

its time to playyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

ok, gotta go sleep first.

Current Mood- Ecstatic and Sleepy
Current Music- Look What You've Done- Jet


Sunday, February 24, 2008

a lil' breather

Ok, maybe i've been taking too much time off for my own good, but i'll be good tomorrow.

I aim to study like a dog tomorrow, cos MER beckons.

Itinerary for Sunday

1.) Finish revising MER
2.) Start revising for PFP (dear god, why haven't i begun mugging?)
3.) Do practice papers for MER.
4.) Sleep by 2.30am, please.

Seriously, i'd rather take other subjects than MER cos I hate law and gazettes. Which is why law always has the upper hand, because no one understands it.

Okay, since Liverpool won 3-2 (torres hat-trick, woooohooooo!!!), i've been restored of motivation to whack this.

FOI paper was okay, expected it to be more challenging, but it ended up less nerve-wrecking than what i thought it would be. I've counted about 15 marks worth of mistakes after a review. The rest (my fate) is lies in the examiner/marker's hands.

Well, back to the books i say.
I seriously need time off. 11.30 am, Thursday marks my time-off.

Current Mood- Mired by theories
Current Music- Everything's Magic- Angels and Airwaves


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

holiday wishlist and whatnot

ok, here's a holiday wishlist i've decided to map it out. it motivates me to work for them. really.

1.) iPod Touch 8gb- $370 average
2.) Black Jeans- $130
3.) Holiday-$500?
4.) Maroon 5 Ticket- $123 (incl. Sistic Booking Fee)
5.) Silvertone/Epiphone/Ibanez Revolver Bass (maybe not so soon, since i don't necessarily have the time to learn)
6.) Sleep.

Yea....that's pretty random, but it'll do.

Anyway, Ang Pow takings have been better, somehow in spite of that not-so-good economy, people are giving more, even relatives i don't really know well of. It used to be $4 surprises, now its like what, $8. well, more for me, nobody's complaining. my family tree falls under the 'modest' givers. rich folk handing out small amounts is better than not giving at all.

Here's how the day went:
Headed over to Mr Kek's house approx. 1 hour and 10 mins late, quite paiseh. but as i always say, grin and bear with it. Small talk with familiar people kinda rekindles friendship and revokes any unfamiliarity since everybody's new life began (in their respective institutions). I always feel really good speaking to these people that i know best.

Caught CJ7 with Yunru, Mel and Kai Xiong (big). Quite a warming movie, not really comedic, but is meant to invoke a sense of warmth. To sum it up, the movie has been a little predictable (it's like your mind beating yourself into anticipation). shan't ruin it here by spewing details, watch it yourself.

came home for a le grand feast, as prepared by my dad. shark's fin wins any form of food, hands down.

good news, i'm not feasting so much on snacks i thought i initially would.
so, no lau sai problems for me this CNY.

ok,now to study and to think of what to buy for Valentine's. hmmmmmm....

Current Mood- Still joyous
Current Music- Save The Last Dance For Me- Michael Buble


Thursday, February 07, 2008

Bring on the sexy red (packets)

Heypee Cainees Nu Yeh !

It's finally here, the time where us unmarried singletons harvest our Ang Pows.
The pocket of fresh cash will be replenished once again.
Technically, we don't really have to work for it (Unless you consider grinning and greeting a chore, I somehow do). That makes free money an oxymoron, i think.

Here's how I'm allocating my snack intake. (Adapted from 8 days)
8 1/2 pineapple tarts
10 love letters
8 Kueh Bolus
12 Kueh Bangkits
16 Hae Bee Hiams
2 Bak Kua Squares
2 Mandarin Oranges
2 Cans of Drinks

Even so, this will up my calorie intake by a good 500, from the recommended 2000.
This sucks, especially when the above list erases the need for a decent meal (considering ONLY calories).

Good times, it's time to sin.

.............and study. Thanks ah TP, much appreciated.

Current Mood- Joyous
Current Music- Sleep Deprivation- Simian Mobile Disco


Saturday, February 02, 2008


What a week man, what.a.week.

How can the school allow us students to be bombarded with a tirade of deadlines?
Let's see:
PFP on Monday, Comm Skills Summative Test on Wednesday, HR Report+Kelly Report+Kelly Presentation on Thursday, HR presentation today.

Both presentations didn't go as well i've expected them to be.
Kelly- I kinda gave a controversial answer to a crucial questions. That kinda killed it.
HR Presentation- Too short, too impromptu.

But you've gotta give credit to my groupmates for putting it up at their best, amidst the rather obvious fatigue.

In other news:

1.)i never really understood the interaction between 2 holes.
2.) apart from the fact that the dessert-stall uncle cannot afford the slightest smile, he doesn't wash hands either. yippee yai yo. what have i been drinking?
3.) don't eat nuts off the nut bowl from a bar.
4.) Different people see the word 'limit' in a different light. apparently, not in the singaporean context.
5.) Singaporeans are damn gracious.
5a.) Nobody helped a blind man when he was asking to be guided to mcdonalds outside Tampines Mall.
5b.) Aunties and their barang-barang occupying 1 seat by themselves, with their stuff next to them, on a crowded bus, mind you. They can miraculously fall asleep when noise is at a very high level and awake when their stop is next. amazing.
6.) 15 commandments? hahahaha.

Ok, Joking time! (insert middle-eastern accent)
A dyslexic man walks in a bra...

Ok, gotta goof off.

Current Mood- Puzzled
Current Music- The Red Tornado- HORSE The Band


Tom Cruise's Scientology Video from The Late Late Show

This is spastic.
But damn funny.
