Saturday, September 01, 2007

parading pride

the 'xams are finally over. i bet psychologically-speaking, those 4 days of torment would feel longer than the 5 days in the jungle (that is, when i'm in NS)

i can't say that i'll do reaaaally well for the papers. I've dumped a whole lot of bull for MBS, i can't even say i'll score a B+ for it. The money changer cheated my time and feelings (ain't that the case for most money changers with their rates eh?). he made me study for things that never appeared in the script. fuck. i spent hours trying to get those retarded processes into my head, taking time to abbreviate them (IADIM,TELOS,USVIA,EIMR, CECMS, OMGWTFBBQ,CUNT). fuck it, only 2 appeared in the paper, as a short question and a MCQ for another. major pain. well, at least the MCQs were dead-giveaways and the case study was pretty simple.

biz finance was ok, again, the MCQs were pretty simple. I would've shot myself for forgetting something I took the longest to study for. lol. i sure hope i milk an A or a B+ at least, out of this (especially since i'm heading towards the Financial Investment option)

HRM, well, i did what i could do, salvage as many marks as possible. i sure hope that my answer for the question about selection was ok, cos they wanted creative. how creative can you get under-stress??? recruitment in space? lol.

i'm crossing my fingers that both my CDSs will garner me double A's or Z's. Cos i've done relatively well for all tests for both French and Wtech.

Ok, enough babbling about schoolwork. That wraps up my whole of Semester 2.1. 2B09 was a cool class. haha. i'll miss the class freak and a few other classmates.

meanwhile, i'm spearing myself into an essentially busy week. so much for trying to enjoy myself.

also, i hope to get a job successfully this time round. for the past year and for each semester break, i've tried, on average, to apply for jobs 8 times average. please god, don't play with me anymore, if i can't get allowance and win any money from any game, at least let me earn it. sheesh. it's like you don't want me to be part of the economy.

i hope to get that mcjob. lol


Current Music- Closer- Travis
Current Mood- Anxious


PS: Happy teachers' day! and happy birthday holyman!

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