Saturday, December 09, 2006

Hark the harold's! cos angels sing!

Has anyone ever noticed that, there are so many Santa Clause(s) (ok, how do you say Santa Clause in plural form? Santa Clausi, Santa Clauses, Santa Cli. Santa Clay) that you can't refer to Santa Clause as Santa Clause? Now you address any Santa you see by saying " I saw A santa, not THE santa", cos you can't be sure.

3 things worth popping a bottle of champagne over:

1.) I've got the Asiacom job, AGAIN. woohoo!
2.) I've no problems with accounting, WOOHHOO!!!
3.) I've not really studied much for the rest except marketing and microeconomics, WOO...wait, wha?

as reference to no.1, working on weekends rock, cos there's lesser work and lotsa pay to open your hands to. PLUS, working late gets you a bonus, except for weekdays though, we work like slaves for that. But still, if you do most of your work sitting down in an aircon room, what's there to complain?

People should really learn to convey what the fug they are trying to say, because nowadays, communication is so vital, a simple breakdown or miscommunication can cause disasters. Ever seen the Discovery shuttle incident? THAT. It took me like 10 minutes just to freaking understand what the hell the person was trying to convey.

oh btw, FCUK is not a swear word, it stands for French Connection, United Kingdom, get it right you non-swearing fucktards. oops. if you'd try to say it like you'd say Fuck, it'd sound like : FFFF-CAHK. yea.

oh well, i shall now go back into Marketin Fundamentals all over again, because, well, there's just no excuse.


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