Sunday, September 10, 2006


i've got a VIP ticket to watch SG idol on wednesday! how the hell?? i received an SMS from Faris saying "your Singapore idol ticket is with me", i thought i was like half asleep, so i just skipped it, then when i went for the chalet, he actually held the tickets..holy shit.

i went to brian's house before that, to well, show him what 'lastchaos' was like. i think he liked it, or if not.... i really wouldn't care that much

gym is fun, except for selfish aunties who think walking is great exercise. bitch. why don't you do your exercise while shopping instead of bothering us guys working with weights in the gym? DO YOU EVEN CARRY WEIGHTS? ARE WE THIEVES FOR STEALING YOUR SHARE OF THE AIR? INSTEAD OF JUST ARGUING WITH THE SECURITY, WHY DON'T YOU JUST EXERCISE? i tell you, she has that kind of worry-wart face, think "oh-no, what's-gonna-happen-on-9/11-this-year?", but all the time. we're in the gym, not in an examination hall you prick, why the hell do we need to hush up when we're not even causing a 'racket', how sensitive are your ears? living in a condo doesn't mean you have to snub others who aren't right? besides, the gym was bare, there was a total of 6 people, including you. if it doesn't take all your fingers and toes to count, that figure isn't classified as 'crowded'.

seriously sia, i want to saboh that treadmill that she was on, like put it on speed 9999 or something, shred her under the treadmill in a bloody ending and rejoice. that stupid worry-wart face ah, was like a fleshy human boy in the middle of 12 hungry lions. we are the lions.

screw selfish attribution, with 1 less person like you, unicef will become richer. africa will be fed. i hope you die for your own selfishness, gooch.


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