Friday, August 03, 2007

makes you wonder, ain't it?

when you feel zoned out from all the work, don't you think wild things? (think clean, you dirty bastards)
after doing a huge load of paperwork, you're bound to feel an array of stuff
i've derived this from my own experiences:

2~4 hours of sleep- euphoria, wild thoughts spun, unintentional violence, World War 2 when irritated
4~6 hours of sleep- shut eyes to sleep while hands still on mouse and keyboard (Supposing you're doing work on the desk/laptop)
6~8 hours of sleep- staring into space, trying not to drool, totally lost in space
8~10 hours of sleep- as above, but consciousness still somewhat visible
No sleep at all- non-existent. you deprive me of sleep, i kill.

work has been fine so fine, but the tirade of tests and exams are enough to drown what's been coined as life (or at least the anxiety from the anticipation)

can't say it's been a great week, test results have been shitty, with biz finance scoring a disappointing 13/20 (2 marks deducted from carelessness, 1 mark from setter's fault). got 21/30 for water tech, wowzers. blah.

somehow, Friday me no love.
well, (sigh), back to being busy.

Current Music- Africa- Toto
Current Mood- Dazed.


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