Friday, July 27, 2007


sometimes, when you try to be helpful to someone, (as hard as you can try to not be a snobbish bastard) they snub you with their distasteful attitude. Like what the hell ? I wouldn't do that to anyone i gave a damn about, ever.

i don't wish to name names, as much as i'd like to keep this as a blog policy. but who gives a fuck, rarely does anyone even read this rotten journal.

all i ask of you is to treat me like a friend and not like a boss or passer-by in your otherwise busy life, i know you have alot of commitments and shit but at least PRETEND to show some interest when i'm talking to you. it makes me feel hated when not appreciated. (like, duh)

you're not the only person on Earth that's busy. I've got fuckloads of work to do as well, hoping that each day, i'll have more time to cope with everything and still be what i am, even if its going to take a lot out of me and if i can do it, why not you, what's your reason for hanging on like an angry, confused person? hope you have better life though. (i've decided not swear at mutuals anymore.)

wanting to change and actually changing are two different issues.
i hope you read this, though i have hunches that chances are as slim as well, anything slim.

Current Mood: Shitty, confused and puzzled.
Current Music: Why Does It Always Rain On Me- Travis


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