Monday, March 12, 2007

pulau blakang mati

gosh, have i been barking up the wrong tree. i think nobody should ever continue being nice to those who don't deserve it. at some point, they 'thank' you for you efforts, then if you remove the goodwill, they start whining or cursing at you.

the proverb, 不听老人言,吃亏在眼 (or loosely translated to mean: don't listen to old man speak, bite dust just in front! ) is as truthful as the existence of soil. i failed to listen to my dad on something and indeed something stupid happened at the end to me. made me regret up till this day. similar for some, when you tell somebody something based on experience and knowledge, they take no heed to your advice. think this: a driver sees a 'road-out' sign and continues to drive forward anyway, what happens next? the driver falls into a gap/pit/cesspool/crater/hole and dies.

i distinctively recall me giving advice to my juniors to study on certain important points, boy was it funny. the results were disastrous, don't get me wrong, not because they've listened, but because didn't know about the above mentioned proverb. who laughed last? the little devil that watches over them, that's who. and also, me, cos i took my senior's advice and dug my way out of a banishment that would forever scar my future.

i'd rather be the one being brutally uncaring and honest than be the one wearing a mask with selfish intentions to deceive. but no, @ (someone who dealt some damage to me before) chose to remain oblivious, euphoric and blind to the hidden facade of sunny singapore. it's really self-defeating, really. how can somebody whine and whimper to something and choose to do virtually nothing to amend the problem, or rather, even, ATTEND to the issue at hand? i foolishly chose to intercept and amend as a third-party, not only did i land myself in more problems, i was blamed. i don't know what for, my my... let's get this straight, if you're going to sit around and do nothing, nobody's going to reach out their helping hands, because you didn't deserve it in the first place!

and after all this hoo-hah, not only was i shunned of a word of thanks, seems like "i'm not friend enough."
ha.ha.ha. high-lair-rios. i sometimes wonder, why am i so nosy in the first place? i should be the selfish jackass that i AM, why bother? i don't get humans and human nature, its just.....very unpredictable. go figure.
here's a quote from a song to YOU(don't worry, if you didn't feel something crawling up your back, it isn't referring to you.)
"if you could make everybody work while you just lay on your back, would you do it?"

anyhoo, i think i should lay off new year goodies, indigestion is not funny. also, i kept dreaming of really weird stuff, like how brian was revived by an uncle with a walking cane when he was hit by a falling commercial airliner and how ahmeng can lose a leg and grow a new one in 5 seconds. lol. must be the additives.


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