Tuesday, October 17, 2006

friggin haze

oh thanks sumatrians, we all needed that haze, the air has been too clean that it's sin to breathe in clean air. the air is so putrid that everyday is a barbeque day. my eyes burn in agony and i have to use artificial tears every 2 hours to prevent it from drying up like a pickle.

money ain't easy to earn, spend wisely, spend wisely.

school rumble is a great anime, funny and suggestive from its title that its school life in chaos. =D

fiddling around with my ableton, trying to remix and mash up two songs: Moby's Porcelain and Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back. somehow, their beats somehow integrate into each other's beat..mmm, that's a good start....like all pro djs, they started at my age, it's not too late to master ableton and before you know it, i'll have a sampling set in my room!

or i could dump this hobby for it's intense difficulty and move on to japanese cuisine or wine tasting and what not....


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