Monday, January 15, 2007

in (light) the dark of torrential rain and the gloom

oh, so we thought that the torrential rain was over, hogwash! it caused ANOTHER flood, in fact, a few more floods, not here, but in the region. but its damn frustrating la, the days are always downers, the only thing positive note i can find through this rain is the temperature and how it allows long naps. sleeping through has never been so...comforting.

the rain has obviously gotten many of us sick as well, in the turn of events, i am well once again and i seek to keep myself healthy till the end of the year AND i don't use dettol, i heard that over-usage can cause conformity, the viruses start attacking if you withdraw the usage. wow, it's kinda like a drug.

ok, i shall wrap it up here, cos i was supposed to do my Statistics and Marketing Fundamentals tutorials at 10pm, it is now 12 am and still their both not done. fuck this: creating financial statements out of practically nothing. making sense from nothing is really either:
virtually impossible or just plain difficult. i plan to sleep at 3.3o tonight.

quote of the day: how cold IS cold?


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