Thursday, June 26, 2008


Ok, a proper post as promised.

So the school holidays have ended, forgive me, what's ended was just another chance for me to hibernate at home or to go out with my friends. I've already come to terms with the fact that Senior year means "marathon". We will have a total of 4 weeks or so through out the whole year, as compared to some 18 in years 1 and 2. Talk about taxing.

Now that I've talked about time, its natural for me to relate to how fast it's moving. One moment I was enrolling into the institution and the next....just leaves room till the end. Graduation in less than a year, surrealistic. Sigh, shan't talk about this now.

I've received 3 outta 4 scripts so far, 2 A's for HR and FA, a B+ for MA. I didn't dare hope i'd do well for FA and this definitely shook me. Taiko. On the other end, I was praying that MA would be my best, but I guess i overlooked lotsa stuff and lost 8 1/2 marks in the process -.-". Gahh, hope this won't repeat itself in the exams. HR was another shocker, nuff said.

Part A of HR was good, the best progress we've had so far, well done people. I had a very minor (squint and maybe you'll find traces of me) role in Part A, thank god for Part B. I hope this will turn out to be another A, cos its difficult to score A's in projects.

Ok, back to the drawing board with work and.........stuff.

Current Mood- Bored
Current Music- Romantic Type- The Pigeon Detectives


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