Thursday, October 04, 2007

MLM is teh roxxas

So, my classmates have become shooting targets for the empire-enthusiast.

if MLM is such a sure-fire way to get money, why isn't EVERYONE doing it? If it's that easy to earn money, everybody should've rushed in to cash in like the rabid dogs they thought they were.

seriously, if you think that its that easy to pour cash in and watch it grow (while taking advantage of your friends' investments), then seriously, i hope that that james phang guy runs away with the money. multi-conglom shouldn't spread at such a fast pace, seriously.

even if i DID go for the try-to-reel-you-in-into-the-fabulous-life-of-wealth-session, i wasn't quite bought over. tell me, how are a few sheets of newspaper-clippings in foreign languages sprawled over a plastic file supposed to convince me?

and building a lionface shaped island in malacca? ok. ridiculous. however, i will join if one of my closest friends makes the moolah. and btw,to the guy who keeps bugging me to join, sorry ah, i'm going over to another place than join you. you're the most naive person i've ever met in my whole life. seriously. he's that kinda guy who may get robbed off his fortune easily.

true wealth should be made with hard work and some level of decency (MLMs have been banned by the govt. here btw). making money off your friends is just plain wrong.

and btw, putting how much you've earned for the past week/month/year/lifetime isn't going to work. we aren't as money-hungry as you. money doesn't buy you everything, if you think so, you should probably die, for cheapening everything.

i thought east-point was kinda cool. shit man, its like a higher-classed west plaza. fucking boring plot of land.


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