Sunday, May 13, 2007

rear-view mirror to despair

so i've been playing games, somehow, when i play games, i reflect more on my life than i've ever did combined to the times when and where i've been stoning. when i stone, i really lose a lot of consciousness. there were things that should've been done, a long time ago.

it's not easy feeling one thing and then changing your mind the next to witness the undesirable. i've been locking these feelings of regret and remorse in my mind and heart. why do i make stupid decisions?

i'll ask the age old question:
"Wai yu soh dum? Wai yu soh stoopih?"

"Well I'll hide all the bruises; I'll hide all the damage that's done
But I show how I'm feeling until all the feeling has gone"-adapted from the song that you're currently listening to.

the feeling hasn't shown cos it hasn't left me yet.

Ever wondered why you were created? What is your purpose? Maybe that's why i think APEL is hot steaming pile of dog shit.


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