Tuesday, April 24, 2007

objects of ridicule: a failed stab at poetry

this sudden spur of events shook me hard, then it reminded me about my harsh views on fabulously wealthy buggers, people with too much attention, people who like to act nice.

this is exactly why people like me won't stand a chance, average people hardly have the power to speak out, even if they do, they won't be heard. most of the time, i don't find myself having people listening to me when i speak, even if i grab other people's attention, it won't be attention that i want and i'll become a laughing stock.
if ever you can change my opinion, you can just try.

all you wasteful bitches listen up, you don't have to shop everyday. money ain't easy to come by.
all you popular people listen up, give others a chance to speak.
all you posers listen up, cut it. really, we can see.

"oh no, my 392378 pair of flats just broke, looks like i have to buy a new pair to replace it. he hees :)"-some uncaring elite rich person.

"haha, clubbing was just so fun, like yesterday, yesterday's yesterday, yesterday's yesterday's yesterday"- some clubber

"you go girl~~~~"- quoth, some gay and political figure on campus

you can't be jealous at these kinds of people, you just want to beat the living shit out of them.

and if you don't want to share it, don't expect people to know those things, we're not psychic. now piss off.

ok, that's all. and a pre happy birthday to me, if it ever will be a happy one, i'll be damned. pity i'll be working on my big day.don't bother sms-ing me.

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