Monday, December 25, 2006

Season of joy?

Christmas Day, a happy day, well, at least for the most of us. I don't really feel this happiness, why?

cos i've got a fucking headache, i'm still waiting for the firm to finish their renovations so I can go register myself for a job. Yes, Asiacom ditched us again, well, my options have just been reduced, its just another parapet wall that's fragile and can't serve as my lean-to anymore.woohoo. but considering i had lots of x'mas goodies to chow down, then its not as bad, cos its a distraction. pffft.

i hate fresh school leavers, so eager to steal what could've been your job, yet so lazy. I did some blog hopping and found a few people complaining about the troubles faced at work. well well, all i can say is that, that's corporate backstabbing, you can deny it, but it remains existent and intangible as it is UNLESS you make a difference. I think Sun Tzu mentioned something about defence, go read it up, it's going to help everybody's sorry ass.

crude as i may be, but its too real for me to even explain it.

all i want for christmas is intangible.


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